The Food Bank relies on volunteers to run it, both behind the scenes sorting/stacking/packing food and on the front line distributing food to clients. If this is something you feel you could get involved with, please follow the link to the Volunteer Form, fill it out and send it back to David Rice, e-mail dnarice@btinternet.com. David will get in touch with you to arrange for you to be trained. The training course lasts about an hour and a half; it covers all aspects of Food Bank volunteer duties and familiarises volunteers with the system of working. A training session can usually be arranged at a time to suit you.
Once you have completed the training, David will hand your details to the Volunteer Co-ordinator, June Wood, e-mail bcdwood@btinternet.com who will include you on the next rota for duties.
Food sorting duties are carried out on Monday afternoons from 2pm to 4pm and distribution duties are carried out on Wednesdays and Fridays from 10am to 12 noon. You can elect to do either or both and as many or as few duties as you wish. There are always 2 volunteers on duty at a time so you will not be expected to work alone and, initially, you will work with someone who has already gained some experience. The rota is drawn up for 2 months at a time and you will be invited by June, a couple of weeks in advance, to fill in an availability form indicating what days you will be available and how many duties you wish to undertake.